
Extract emails and email addresses from POP3, IMAP4 and Outlook mailboxes


Download MailboxFetcher Freeware version

MailboxFetcher inbox email extractor - Download 32bitMailboxFetcher (english/german) v1.00 32bit []

MailboxFetcher inbox email extractor - Download 64bitMailboxFetcher (english/german) v1.00 64bit []



  • In this free version, you can create a maximum of 3 email accounts and read, save, or extract email addresses from up to 100 emails.

  • MailboxFetcher can be used on all Windows operating systems starting from Windows 7. The 32-bit version can be used on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions. The 64-bit version can only be used on 64-bit Windows versions.

  • Use 32-bit version if emails need to be read from local Microsoft Outlook (not Outlook New!) and the Office package is installed as a 32-bit version. The 64-bit version must be used to read emails from local Microsoft Outlook (not Outlook New!) if the installed Office package is 64-bit.


35 MByte
(x64 40 MByte)

MailboxFetcher - product information MailboxFetcher -  x64 - product information


Newsletter Software SuperMailer screenshot

Newsletter Software SuperMailer, send newsletters and massmails
send newsletters and massmails



Extract email addresses from emails from mailboxes ● Save emails ● Save EML files ● Save RFC822 ● POP3, IMAP4, Office 365, Microsoft 365 ● Windows Desktop ● Email Extractor ● Email xtractor ● Change email server ● Save emails from server ● Move mailbox ● read inboxes ● inboxreader