Online help for MailboxFetcher

Configuration POP3, IMAP4 and Outlook mailboxes
Click on "Add mailbox" in the MailboxFetcher Configuration tab to add a new mailbox.
Inbox Type | Select POP3, IMAP4, or MS Outlook for an Outlook mailbox. IMAP4 access is recommended, as it allows MailboxFetcher to retrieve new emails from the mailbox later if you enable the "Retrieve only unread emails" option. For Outlook mailbox you must select a folder only. |
Server requires secure connection (SSL/StartTLS) | For accessing most external mailboxes, this setting is normally always enabled nowadays.
Inbox server | Enter the name of the inbox server. You will receive this information from the server provider.
Port | The port should only be changed if the server server provider different information.
Username | Enter the username, often the email address, of the mailbox.
Password | Enter the password for retrieving the emails. For Microsoft 365/Office 365: Leave this field blank and select instead of "POP3/IMAP4 AUTHentication Basic/Standard" "OAuth2 authentication" to access Microsoft servers. You must select correct account type. |
Authentication Variant | "AUTHentication Basic/Standard": "OAuth2": OAuth2 is used, for which a token is required and must be retrieved via browser. Click "Test settings" to retrieve a token.
Retrieve these IMAP folders in addition to INBOX | Only available for IMAP. Check all folders that should also be retrieved from server. |
Retrieve only unread emails | Only available for IMAP. MailboxFetcher remembers the retrieved emails after an email retrieval and will only retrieve new emails upon re-access.
-- Only for Microsoft Outlook -- | Select the Outlook email folder to be searched for emails.
Email addresses to be ignored, separated by commas | This setting is only used when extracting email addresses. You can specify email addresses to be ignored using commas, and also wildcard characters * and ?. |
Test settings | Click this button to test the access data. Upon successful access, MailboxFetcher will display the number of emails in the mailbox, for IMAP only INBOX.
OAuth2 settings for Microsoft 365 / Office 365
For, email addresses, you must use OAuth2 for personal accounts.
If you use Microsoft 365 with a work or school account, select "Work or school account".
Note: The OAuth2 settings are also used by other programs, e.g. SuperMailer, so you don't have to re-enter them:
OAuth2 app for accessing Microsoft accounts
Export and import mailbox settings
Click "Import/Export" on the Configuration tab and select Export to CSV/Text file to export the saved mailboxes as a file.
To import data from a CSV/Text file, select Import from a CSV/Text file. After selecting a file, you must choose the correct delimiter and map the columns. Note: First, manually create a mailbox, export it, and then you can view the exported data and expand it with your own mailbox data.
Last update of article: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 11:40:55 +0100
Help last updated: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 11:57:51 +0100
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